News (and other musings)
Eazigrazer Tips 3 of 3 (Securing)
Last but not least, here is tip number 3! Another question we are regularly asked is whether Eazigrazer can be secured and how. So we decided we’d share how we do it with some photos!
Eazigrazer Tips 2 of 3 (Moving Around)
Following on from our last post, here is tip number two! We often get asked what we recommend as the best way to move a full Eazigrazer from one place to another, especially when it’s full of soaked hay. Here’s what we suggest.
Eazigrazer Tips 1 of 3 (Weighing Hay)
We thought we’d share a few little Eazigrazer related tips – here is the first of three! If you’ve got an Eazigrazer but would still like to weigh your hay, then these cylinder shaped gardening bags are perfect for the job.
The best way to cool your horse?
Summer is definitely here…. it really is hot today! There’s a lot of conflicting information out there about what is the right or wrong thing to do when attempting to cool your horse down, but this information (from a very trustworthy source – Dr David Marlin) should dispel some of the myths.
Is it time for restricted grazing? (video)
We have one little pony with EMS who has done well to get to June without having move from her track to her dirt patch, but unfortunately the time is now here. This weather is perfect for growing the green stuff, and it’s showing in those digital pulses. It looks like there’s nothing there, but those new shoots as always are causing trouble!
Is your pony underweight, overweight, or just right?
This lovely weather is perfect for growing a lush green lawn, but not such great news for our horses. We’ve noticed a lot of chubby equines out and about lately! However, no matter how responsible you are, it’s undeniably difficult to maintain a healthy weight and provide adequate grazing time at this time of year.