We have one little pony with EMS who has done well to get to June without having move from her track to her dirt patch, but unfortunately the time is now here. This weather is just perfect for growing the green stuff, and it’s showing in those digital pulses. It looks like there’s nothing on there, but those new shoots as always are causing trouble!
Never mind, better safe than sorry, and at least she still gets to use natural grazing behaviour with her Eazigrazer until it’s safe to go back. Do you have a laminitic prone pony who might benefit from one of our hay feeders? We also have to soak hay for our pony, and Eazigrazer saves us the mess and back ache that soaking haynets used to cause. We just can’t imagine life without them now! Maybe you would feel the same?
For more information about how Eazigrazer can help you manage laminitis as well as many other health issues see – Why Eazigrazer?