Author: Eazigrazer
Eazigrazer back in stock soon (pre-order available)
With Eazigrazer having already proved so much more popular than we could have hoped for, we have unfortunately been out of stock for while! We can now take pre-orders for anyone wanting to get first in line, and we will also update the news page once we have actual stock in our hands…
Visit Eazigrazer at Your Horse Total Confidence Live
We are really excited to be taking Eazigrazer to our first trade show! It’s been a lot of work to get everything ready in time, but we’ve just about made it, and now we can finally look forward to chatting to you all about our wonderful hay feeders at….. Your Horse Total Confidence Live!
Eazigrazer website launch – we have lift off!
We were so pleased to finally send out Eazigrazers to our first customers a couple of weeks ago (good reports all round so far!); after 18 months of development and testing this was a big milestone for us! But the really big day was website launch when we could finally reveal Eazigrazer to the world.
Everybody smile….. It’s Eazigrazer photoshoot day!
It was a long awaited first step towards revealing our hard work when on a lovely sunny day in March we had our first Eazigrazer photoshoot thanks to local photographer Lisa Southern. You can see the photos dotted around the website, but here are a couple of extras….!