Approval from Germany (review by Alessa Neuner)

“Now we have used the tubs for several months. What does long-term experience mean? The tubs are still standing, the horses still eat relaxed and satisfied. We are equally satisfied!” 

Alessa Neuner – A Life Dedicated to Horses

We stumbled across a gem of a blog post about Eazigrazer recently, and the owner has very kindly given us permission to share it. Not only were we of course very happy to read that Alessa is so pleased with her hay feeders, but we then ended up spending a few very enjoyable hours (and more since) reading through her other blog posts and scrolling through her beautiful photos!

If your German is as bad as ours, then you can translate the page through your browser. Although the translation isn’t perfect, you are still able to get a good idea of what Alessa has to say. There are also some great photos of Eazigrazer in use (and we have to admit to being envious of Alessa’s set up…)

Blog Post: Eazigrazer – Hayfeeders as an Alternative to Haynets

Facebook: Khayman & Alessa
Instagram: @soullessa

Eazigrazer news (and other musings)